Naslov (eng)

Estimation of SSC in Rivers Using ADCP Backscatter Data


Cvijanović, Nevena
Babić Mladenović, Marina
Kostić, Mladen


IWA Young Water Professionals

Opis (eng)

Abstract : For more than two decades, Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) have been in common use measuring current profiles. In recent years, the acoustic sensors such as ADCP have become a more widely used in means of estimating suspended solids. Plenty of studies have indicated that there is a strong relation between acoustic backscatter intensity and Suspended Sediment Concentrations (SSC). Conventional measurement techniques for collecting of data on SSC are real challenge considering the time and effort to collect all necessary data. Furthermore, it is often unfeasible to perform measurements during the floods, which leads to a lack of data in this range of flow. For those reasons, there is a need to establish a contemporary and sustainable methods in sediment monitoring systems which will enable continuous data acquisition. Acoustic sensors such as ADCPs offer a lot of advantages over traditional methods in SSC monitoring. The results in utilization of ADCP for suspended sediment monitoring will be presented in this paper, as well as the reliability assessment relative to the data collected using conventional methods.






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SSC; ADCP; sonar equation; correlation

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