Naslov (srp)

Uticaj Covid-19 na privredu i efekti ekonomskih mera Vlade Republike Srbije

Naslov (eng)

The impact of Covid-19 on the economy and the effects of economic measures of the Government of the Republic of Serbia


Mirković, Predrag
Prokopović, Igor


Novi Sad: Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe

Opis (srp)

Sažetak: Širenje virusa, bez sumnje, izuzetno je invazivno uticalo na sve aspekte života i rada ljudi širom planete. Uticaj Covid-19 odrazio se na vitalne segmente funkcionisanja, koji su tokom trajanja pandemije, beležili svakodnevne nemerljive gubitke. U radu su analizirani uticaji Covid-19 na privredu i poslovanje u Srbiji, potom načini obezbeđivanja kontinuiteta poslovanja, kao i najveće prepreke u obavljanju poslovnih aktivnosti od početka pandemije. Predmet primarne analize u radu jesu ekonomske mere uvedene u Srbiji u cilju smanjenja negativnih efekata pandemije. Naime, Vlada Republike Srbije je uvela tri paketa pomoći kako bi umanjila negativne efekte koje je pandemija ostavila na poslovanje privrede. Uvedeni paketi mera su slični onima koje su evropske zemlje koristile za pomoć svojim privredama. Međutim, epidemija nije jednako uticala na sve, i preduzeća se, shodno ovome, oporavljaju različitom dinamikom. Takođe, ostaje da se kroz dalje poslovanje preduzeća napravi procena efikasnosti ekonomskim mera, i da se eventualno dosadašnji sveobuhvatni paketi upotpune sa selektivnim paketima pomoći, koja će biti opredeljena konkretnim potrebama u privrednom poslovanju.

Opis (eng)

Summary: The spread of the virus, without a doubt, had an extremely invasive effect on all aspects of human life and work around the planet. The impact of Covid-19 affected vital segments of functioning, which during the pandemic recorded daily immeasurable losses. The paper analyzes the impacts of Covid-19 on the economy and business in Serbia, then the ways of ensuring business continuity, as well as the biggest obstacles in conducting business activities since the beginning of the pandemic. The subject of the primary analysis in the paper are the economic measures introduced in Serbia in order to reduce the negative effects of the pandemic. Namely, the Government of the Republic of Serbia introduced three packages of measures in order to reduce the negative effects that the pandemic had on the business of the economy. The introduced packages of measures are similar to those used by European countries to help their economies. However, the epidemic did not affect everyone equally, and companies are recovering according to different dynamics. Also, it remains to make an assessment of the efficiency of economic measures through further business operations of the company, and to eventually complete the comprehensive packages so far with selective aid packages, which will be determined by the specific needs in business operations.






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Ključne reči: privredno poslovanje, ekonomske mere, Covid-19, Vlada Republike Srbije

Keywords: Economy, Economic measures, Covid-19, Government of the Republic of Serbia

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:1575 Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe