Naslov (eng)

Environmental risk assessment for the unregulated waste disposal sites of municipal waste in the city area of Bor


Satletović, Novica
Đurđevac, Vanja
Mitić, Dejan
Tašić, Dušan
Tucović, Nedeljko

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The problem of unregulated waste disposal sites is present not only in Serbia but in the other parts of the Republic of Serbia. Therefore, it is necessary to locate these waste dumpsites, investigate their nega-tive impact on the environment, make environmental risk assessment and start solving this problem. This presentation shows a methodology of the environmental risk assessment for the unregulated waste dis-posal sites in the city area of Bor. The idea, presented through this methodology, suggests how to under-stand the risk, how to make the risk assessment so that the owner is informed about possible conse-quences. In this way, a possibility can be avoided that in fear of unknown and incapable of understand-ing, the owner might take the precautionary measures at random. With regulated categorization a re-mediation of waste disposal sites can be done.

Opis (eng)

Received: 01.04.2021. Revised: 10.05.2021. Accepted: 12.05.2021.






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Keywords: unregulated waste disposal sites, municipal waste, environmental impact, risk assessment

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:179 Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor