Naslov (eng)

Usage specifics of geogrids


Jovanović, Milenko
Mikić, Miomir
Maksimović, Miroslava
Kržanović, Daniel
Rajković, Radmilo
Požega, Emina

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Geosynthetics and their variants play a major role in soil protection whether it is a landfill, a landslide, a road route or some other surface pollution. Geosynthetics has experienced its development in recent decades, and all products in this field can still be considered relatively new, which does not mean that they have not proven themselves in many demanding projects (fields of activity) on different occasions and requirements, especially in mining and construction and ecology. A special part of this area refers to geogrids and geotextiles made of organic material (from nature) in combination with more commonly used synthetic materials and the main topic of this paper. By crossing (combining) these types (materials) of geogrids (geotextiles, etc.) in the form of a certain hybrid technology of making these products, we get usage parameters suitable in the field of environmental protection and the necessary mechanical and temporal usability. This would, seemingly contradictory requirements (appropriate - usage conditions), lead to a compromise, but at the same time effective fulfillment of the same in appropriate situations.






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Keywords: geogrids, geosynthetics, landfills, stability geomaterials,

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