Naslov (srp)

Analiza sektora usluga Republike Srbije u periodu COVID-19 pandemije

Naslov (eng)

Analysis of services sector of the Republic of Serbia during COVID-19 pandemic


Đurković Marić, Tijana
Vukmirović, Goran
Marić, Radenko

Opis (srp)

Sažetak: Cilј ovog rada je analiza stanja u sektoru usluga u periodu po okončanju svetske pandemije izazvane koronavirusom, kao i kratak osvrt na poremećaje koje je pandemija izazvala na globalnom i nacionalnom tržištu. Najveće posledice pandemije, a pre svega prvobitnog zaključavanja i uvođenja vanrednog stanja, pretrpeo je sektor usluga. Gotovo sve uslužne delatnosti, izuzev trgovine i maloprodaje, obustavile su svoje poslovne aktivnosti. Istraživanje će obuhvatiti komparaciju stanja u sektoru usluga u periodu pre, tokom i nakon svetske pandemije. Na bazi rezultata sa globalnog tržišta i stanja u sektoru usluga pojedinih država koje se nalaze u periodu oporavka, izvršiće se projekcija stanja na domicilnom tržištu. Istraživanje će se posebno orijentisati na turizam, ugostitelјstvo i maloprodaju kao sektore koji su na tržištu Republike Srbije najviše bili pogođeni pandemijom, a koji čine skoro 20% domicilnog BDP-a. Rezultati istraživanja će ukazati nadležnim institucijama, kreatorima ekonomske politike i menadžmentu uslužnih kompanija koje mere je neophodno preuzeti kako bi se nivo prihoda i profitabilnosti vratio na period pre pandemije. Predlozi i smernice za buduća istraživanja su navedeni u radu.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the situation in the services sector after the global pandemic caused by the virus corona, as well as an overview of the disruptions caused by the pandemic in the global and national market. The service sector suffered the greatest consequences of the pandemic and the initial lockdown. All services, except trade and retail, have discontinued their business activities. The research will cover comparisons of the situation in the services sector in the period before, during and after the global pandemic. Based on the results from the global market and the situation in the services sector of certain countries in the recovery period, a forecast of the situation in the domestic market will be made. The research will focus specifically on tourism, hospitality and retail as the sectors which were the most affected by the pandemic in the Republic of Serbia market, accounting for almost 20% of national GDP. The results of the survey will indicate to the relevant institutions, economic policy makers and management of the service companies what measures must be taken to return the level of income and profitability to the period before the pandemic. Suggestions and guidelines for future research are outlined in the paper.






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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 - Creative Commons Autorstvo 4.0 International License.


Key words: Services / tourism / retail / pandemic / coronavirus / Republic of Serbia

Ključne reči: usluge / turizam / maloprodaja / pandemija / koronavirus / Republika Srbija.

Deo kolekcije (2)

o:1600 Radovi profesora i saradnika Fakulteta za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment