Naslov (eng)

Combining neutralization and adsorption methods for metals removal from Saraka stream


Marković, Radmila
Božić, Dragana
Stevanović, Zoran
Apostolovski-Trujić, Tatjana
Gardić, Vojka
Avramović, Ljiljana
Marjanović, Vesna

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The possibility of metals removal from real acid mine drainage from the Saraka stream, that flow near the plant for copper ore mine treatment in Serbia, was investigated by combination of neutralization and adsorption methods. A new approach of metals removal from acid mine drainage is in a two-step neutralization method by controlling the pH value aiming to obtain a different type of sludge during each step of neutralization process. The results are confirmed that the concentration of Cu and Fe is maximally reduced during the first neutralization step on pH 7. Values for the concentration of the other elements on pH 7 is as followining: Mg>Mn>Ni>Cd>Co. On pH 10 (second neutralization step) removal mass percentage is the same for all elements (more than 99 mass%). As an alternative to metal removal at pH values above 7, a method of adsorption with the crosslinked hydrogel obtained by crosslinking the Type B gelatin and chitosan with glutaraldehyde is used. Studies have shown that the highest adsorption removal rate of 81.43% is achieved for Co.






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Keywords: real acid mine drainage, metal, removal, neutralization, adsorption.

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o:179 Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor