Naslov (srp)

Socijalno-ekonomske determinante zdravlja

Naslov (eng)

Socio-economic determinants of health


Лугоњић, Марија
Арсенијевић, Оља
Димић, Маја

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Da bismo mogli da se bavimo nejednakošću zdravlja, pre svega moramo razumeti šta je uzrokuje. Cilj ovog rada je analiza socijalno-ekonomskih determinanti zdravlja, koje uzrokuju njegovu nejednakost. U praksi ih često ne razlikujemo do opštih determinanti zdravlja koje utiču na zdravlje čitave populacije. Danas je poznato da pristupi, koji obe determinante analiziraju na isti način, nisu efikasne u smanjivanju nejednakosti zdravlja. U radu su predstavljene opšte deter¬minante zdravlja, kao i pet mehanizama koji pojašnjavaju kako one mogu uticati na socijalno-ekonomski uslovljene razlike u zdravlju. Pet ključnih mehanizama koji utiču na pojavu nejednakosti zdravlja su: raspodela moći i pristup drugim resursima, različita izloženost faktorima rizika, isti nivo faktora rizika dovodi do različitih zdravstvenih ishoda, uticaj socio-ekonomskih odrednica zdravlja tokom životnog veka, razne socio-ekonomske posledice bolesti. U centru našeg modela je pojedinac, koji ima svoje lične faktore kao što su starost, pol i druge fizičke karakteristike koje su uglavnom nepromenljive. Oni su okruženi varijablama na koje različite politike mogu manje ili više uticati. Prvi faktor je način života, koji uključuje, između ostalog, pušenje i fizičku aktivnost. Zatim sledi lična interakcija i uključivanje pojedinca u užu društvenu mrežu (vr-šnjaci i bliže okruženje). Naravno, uslovi života i rada i pristup hrani, osnovnim dobrima i uslugama takođe utiču na pojedinca i njegovo zdravlje. U širem dru¬štvenom okruženju na zdravlje stanovništva pretežno utiču ekonomski, kulturni i ekološki uticaji. Životni stil pojedinca vezan je za društvene norme i društvene mreže, kao i za radno i životno okruženje, što opet zavisi od širih socio-ekonom¬skih i kulturnih okolnosti. Odrednice zdravlja na koje može uticati pojedinac ili su pod uticajem ekonomskih ili kroz političke odluke mogu biti pozitivni zdravstveni faktori, zaštitni faktori ili faktori rizika. Poznavanje determinanti zdravlja koje su navedene je važno, ali nedovoljno za analizu i razumevanje socio-ekonomskih nejednakosti u zdravlju. Najvažnije determinante zdravlja mogu se razlikovati za različite socioekonomske grupe. Nezdrava fizička radna sredina je glavni faktor rizika za neobrazovane radnike, dok ne predstavlja značajan faktor rizika za državne službenike ili celokupno stanovništvo. Siromaštvo je takođe takav primer. U bogatim zemljama uticaj siromaštva na zdravlje celokupnog stanovništva može biti relativno mali. Istovremeno, u istoj zemlji mogu postojati mnogo važniji fak¬tori rizika i opterećenje bolestima u grupi sa niskim primanjima. koliko će važnu ulogu imati siromaštvo u ukupnom teretu bolesti u populaciji zavisi od proporcije siromašnih stanovnika. Zbog toga je veoma važno razlikovati socio-ekonomske determinante zdravlja celokupne populacije i socio-ekonomske determinante pojedinih grupa stanovništva. Da bismo bolje razumeli uzroke koji uzrokuju socio-ekonomske nejednakosti u zdravlju, moramo razumeti uzročni lanac i mehanizme koji utiču na socio-eko¬nomski gradijent i nejednakosti u zdravlju. Takođe je važno da pokušamo sve ove činioce da svedemo na najmanju moguću meru, da ih predupredimo i da se borimo za prevenciju zdravlja, između ostalog i zdravstvenim opismenjavanjem stanovništva.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: In order to address health inequality, we must first understand what causes it. The aim of this paper is to analyze the social and economic determinants of health, which cause its inequality. In practice, we often do not distinguish them until the general determinants of health that affect the health of the entire popu-lation. Today, it is known that approaches that analyze both determinants in the same way are not effective in reducing health inequalities. The paper presents the general determinants of health, as well as five mechanisms that explain how they can influence socio-economic differences in health. Five key mechanisms that in-fluence the emergence of health inequalities are: distribution of power and access to other resources, different exposure to risk factors, the same level of risk factors leads to different health outcomes, the influence of socio-economic determinants of health during the life span, various socio-economic consequences of disease. At the center of our model is the individual, who has his or her own personal factors such as age, gender, and other physical characteristics that are largely immutable. They are surrounded by variables that can be more or less affected by different policies. The first factor is lifestyle, which includes, among other things, smoking and physical activity. This is followed by personal interaction and inclusion of the individual in the narrow social network (peers and close environment). Of course, living and working conditions and access to food, basic goods and services also affect the individual and his health. In the broader social environment, the health of the population is predominantly influenced by economic, cultural and environmental influences. An individual’s lifestyle is related to social norms and social networks, as well as to the working and living environment, which again depends on broader socio-economic and cultural circumstances. Determinants of health that can be influenced by an individual or are influenced by economic or political decisions can be positive health factors, protective factors or risk factors. Knowing the determinants of health listed is important, but not sufficient for analyzing and understanding socio-economic inequalities in health. The most important determinants of health may differ for different socioeconomic groups. An unhealthy physical work environment is the main risk factor for uneducated workers, while it is not a significant risk factor for civil servants or the entire popu¬lation. Poverty is also such an example. In rich countries, the impact of poverty on the health of the entire population can be relatively small. At the same time, there may be much more important risk factors and disease burden in the low-income group in the same country. how important a role poverty will play in the total burden of disease in the population depends on the proportion of poor residents. Therefore, it is very important to distinguish between the socio-economic determinants of the health of the entire population and the socio-economic de¬terminants of individual population groups. To better understand the causes that cause socioeconomic inequalities in health, we need to understand the causal chain and the mechanisms that influence the socioeconomic gradient and inequalities in health. It is also important to try to reduce all these factors to the smallest possible extent, to prevent them and to fight for health prevention, among other things, through health literacy of the population.






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Keywords: health, poverty, differences in health, determinants of health, medical literacy.

Ključne reči: zdravlje, siromaštvo, razlike u zdravlju, determinante zdravlja, medicinska pismenost.

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