Naslov (eng)

The dark horizon of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT: a transhumanistic perspective


Baltezarević, Borivoje

Opis (eng)

Abstract: This paper delves into the multifaceted implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT within the context of transhumanism. The juxtaposition of utopian and dystopian perspectives is employed to illuminate both the remarkable potential and the looming threats associated with these technologies. From a utopian viewpoint, AI and ChatGPT hold promise in augmenting human capabilities. These systems have demonstrated the capacity to streamline various facets of our daily lives, from information retrieval to creative content generation. Their potential to catalyze scientific research and enhance decision-making processes is indeed impressive. However, a shift to the dystopian perspective reveals a starkly contrasting reality. The rapid proliferation of AI and ChatGPT raises significant concerns related to privacy, ethics, and control. Research indicates that biased algorithms can exacerbate societal inequalities, while the misuse of these technologies may pose threats to democracy and personal autonomy. The risks of AI superintelligence, pose existential risks to humanity. Drawing from the body of current research, we observe that overreliance on AI and ChatGPT for social interactions may undermine genuine human connections, fostering a fragmented society. Additionally, the phenomenon of algorithmic determinism, raises questions about the potential loss of individual agency and the emergence of surveillance capitalism as AI systems accumulate vast amounts of personal data. In a transhumanistic context, we confront the profound implications of AI and ChatGPT for the very essence of human existence. As we inch closer to a world where machines and humans merge, we do recognize a threat of the possibility of losing our essence as Homo sapiens. The quest for enhancement through AI implants and neural interfaces might lead to unforeseen consequences, challenging the very fabric of human identity. This paper underscores the urgency of adopting a balanced approach to the integration of AI and ChatGPT into our lives. The duality of utopian and dystopian perspectives reminds us of the ethical, social, and philosophical dilemmas posed by these technologies. The future of transhumanism depends on our ability to harness the potential of AI while safeguarding against its inherent threats. This necessitates a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, combining technological innovation with rigorous ethical scrutiny and robust regulatory frameworks. Only by navigating this complex terrain with prudence can we hope to shape a future where AI and ChatGPT contribute to the betterment of humanity rather than its detriment.






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Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, Transhumanism, Dystopian Concerns, Ethical Challenges.

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