Naslov (eng)

Plants as indicators of site conditions in mixed forests of sessile oak and hornbeam in the area of Kosmaj mountain in Serbia


Stajić, Snežana
Čokeša, Vlado
Miletić, Zoran
Babić, Violeta
Eremija, Saša
Poduška, Zoran
Marković, Miroslava


Faculty of Agriculture, University of East Sarajevo

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT The paper presents ecological properties of plant species, occurring in the forest of the sessile oak and hornbeam community (Querco petraeae-Carpinetum betuli Rudski 1949. s.l.) in the area of Kosmaj in Serbia. The sessile oak and hornbeam forests in Serbia are conditioned by orographic and edaphic factors, i.e., they occur as extrazonal vegetation and cover significantly smaller areas than in the Illyrian province. In the area of Kosmaj, these forests occur at lower altitudes (300 - 400 m), with eastern to northeastern aspects, and the slope of 15-23°. Differentiation of flora was done according to membership in certain ecological plant groups, according to most significant ecological factors: soil humidity, soil acidity, quantity of nitrogen in the soil, light and temperature. According to the indicator values of plant species, the community of sessile oak and hornbeam is mesophilic in terms of humidity (F – 2.88), neutrophilic-basophilic (R – 3,32) in terms of acidity, mesotrophic in terms of soil nitrogen supply (N – 2,82), semisciophilic regarding light (L – 2,85), and mesothermal in terms of heat (T – 3,39). Indicator values of plants are suitable to indirectly assess environmental conditions and can help to estimate the conditions, for which no measurements are available. Therefore, they can be used as useful indicators in monitoring environmental changes.






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Indicator values of plants, sessile oak and hornbeam forests, Serbia

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