Naslov (eng)

Application of general science methods in artificial intelligence

Naslov (srp)

Primena opštenaučnih metoda u veštačkoj inteligenciji


Božić, Vanda
Tančić, Dragan

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Veštačka inteligencija je jedna od naučnih disciplina, koja ima svoj predmet i metod i čiji je cilj da otkrije karakteristike ljudi i njihovih ponašanja i da se projektuju takvi računarski sistemi i softeri, koji mogu da imaju bitna svojstva ljudske vrste. Takvim pristupom smatra se da će se time znatno razviti nauka(e) u svim oblastima i da će se time kvalitet ljudske vrste u svim segmentima poboljšati. S druge strane, u nekim naučnim zajednicama, društvenim i političkim strukturama su podeljena mišljenja opravdanosti daljeg razvoja veštačke inteligencije, jer neki autori smatraju da u ovom naučnom polju treba biti jako oprezan i racionalan i umanjiti njen razvoj, jer posledice po ljudski rod mogu biti katastrofalne odnosno može doći da dominacije inteligentnih mašina u odnosu na ljudsku vrstu.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Artificial intelligence is one of the scientific disciplines, which has its own subject and method and whose goal is to discover the characteristics of people and their behaviors and to design such computer systems and software, which can have essential characteristics of the human species. With such an approach, it is believed that this will significantly develop science(s) in all areas and that this will improve the quality of the human species in all segments. On the other hand, in some scientific communities, social and political structures there are divided opinions on the justification of the further development of artificial intelligence, because some authors believe that in this scientific field one should be very careful and rational and reduce its development, because the consequences for the human race can be catastrophic that is, there may be dominance of intelligent machines in relation to the human species.






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Ključne reči: veštačka inteligencija, učenje, rešavanje problema, metode, pravni pristup.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, learning, problem solving, methods, legal approach.

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