Naslov (eng)

Dervish and fear: the fear narrative in the novel Dervish and death by Meša Selimović

Naslov (srp)

Дервиш и страх (наратив страха у роману Дервиш и смрт Меше Селимовића)


Кнежевић, Јасмина

Opis (srp)

Апстракт: Аутор се у огледу бави проблематиком страха као доминантне емоције која се јавља у свести главног јунака, Ахмеда Нурудина, након сазнања да му је брат неправедно заточен у касаблијској тврђави, где је потом и уморен. Страх, у свим његовим валерима, од стрепње до ужаса, уз иницијални сан који шејх текије Нурудин у то време сања, биће сигуран знак процеса индивидуације, по учењу аналитичке психологије Карла Густава Јунга, који почиње да се одвија у свести Ахмеда Нурудина. Током тог процеса довешће се у питање темељне основе његовог постојања, његова уверења, односи са људима, са женама и начин на који функционише у друштву. Писано сведочанство које оставља о својој унутрашњој борби откриће дубоко несрећну личност, нераскидиво подељену на Персону и Сенку, јавни и приватни лик, који до конца романа неће успети да се интегришу, што ће довести до трагичног исхода. Као противтежа свему што осећа и чини Ахмед Нурудин јавља се пријатељ Хасан, који у психолошком смислу представља његову Сенку и својим животом и делом сведочи да није сваки човек увек на губитку, као што тврди Меша Селимовић на почетку и крају романа Дервиш и смрт.

Opis (eng)

Summary: Fear and all emotions related to it are present at all times and across all regions and cultures. As a consequence, there are numerous theories dedicated to this basic human emotion, some of them noting the fact that the modern man is a slave to the “culture of fear” and the way modern societies produce new fears daily thus creating a culture of constant fear. Other theories stress the positive side of human fear as a primal emotion which led to unification, the creation of myths and the constitution of religion and culture. With the union of communities and the advance in society, technology and living conditions, it seemed like people would overcome the primal fear of their own inferiority in relation to the force and power of nature. However, the ever changing nature of fear as a basic driving emotion presented itself by substituting one fear for another. The fear of the great power of nature was replaced by the fear of the power which society holds. After the sudden, unfair and illegal imprisonment and the ensuing execution of Harun, the younger brother of Sheikh Nurrudin, he begins to understand the uncertain position and inferiority of an individual as an easily replaceable part of society. But the incoming fear, which becomes the core emotion to condition and follow his every move, is double-sided: on the one hand it is the fear of retribution and power of the oppressive social system, while on the other it’s the fear of his own inner self and everything he believed in, or in Jungian terms: his own Shadow. In an intense fight to preserve his own physical and spiritual integrity, incapable of facing his Shadow, he takes on a set of wrong steps which lead to a tragic outcome. His journey to individuality during which he faces his inner feminine principle Anima, and later an encounter with his father and the hesitation to save his brother from the fort by illegitimate ways all reveal an incapability to give and receive affection and to approach a genuine human being. Instead it turns out that the faith of Ahmed Nurrudin is like a sand tower, a fragile construction where he hides from temptation lurking outside the Tekiya. The rift in the entity of Ahmed Nurrudin is insurmountable. There is no harmony between his Persona and Shadow which eventually leads to a tragic ending. Conversely, as his antipode and Shadow, Hasan always approaches the genuine human, he is free of all constraints of the oppressive system, except for those of God and the basic human ones. Owing to this, he finds a way out of a seemingly unsolvable situation and proves that not every person is always at a loss as stated by Meša Selimović both at the beginning and at the end of the novel Dervish and Death.






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Key words: Dervish and death, Meša Selimović, fear, Carl Gustav Jung, individuation, Shadow, Persona, father figure.

Кључне речи: Дервиш и смрт, Меша Селимовић, страх, Карл Густав Јунг, индивидуација, Сенка, Персона, Анима, фигура оца.

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