Naslov (eng)

Sacred relics and the canons of the local and ecumenical councils

Naslov (srp)

Свете мошти и канони помесних и васељенских сабора


Јањић, Драгана

Opis (srp)

Апстракт: Неодвојива веза светости и пројављања божанске благодати, даром чињења чуда, кроз земне остатке светитеља – Свете Мошти, тема су рада, у којем светост, тленост/нетленост, прослављање светитеља истицањем светога мира, налазе своје утемељење у црквеним канонима и службама као пресудним чиниоцима у признавању светости.

Opis (eng)

Regarding the earthly remains of the saints, there was a scientific categorization of the relics, i.e. precise terminological definitions of the state of the remains in the moment of the elevation and laying into the chest. The terminology concerns relics in the form of the whole incorruptible body and relics/skeleton remains where term "whole and untouched body" doesn't necessary marks incorruptible relics, but concerns skeleton remains in undisturbed condition that isn't necessary the precondition of sanctity. The church established the connection between the sacrifice of holy martyrs, and the one of Christ, that is, Eucharistic sacrifice on graves of earthly remains of martyrs – relics, and regulated abuse or doubt at Orthodox confession of martyrs by council’s disciplinary decisions which sanctioned offenders.






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Кључне речи: мошти, сабори, канони, Црква, светост, миро, нетрулежност.

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