Naslov (eng)

A wind-tunnel study of the effect of dust emission from ash-slag dumps of energy facilities with technological solutions


Петковић, Сандра
Ђерисило, Јасна
Павловић, Марко
Нешковић, Јасмина
Праштало, Жељко

Opis (srp)


Opis (srp)

Identifikator monografske pubikacije: ISBN 978-84-09-42561-7

Opis (eng)

Ecologically and economically more acceptable treatment of by-products of coal combustion from thermal power plants compared to separate disposal, is reflected in their common disposal which is in accordance with the relevant EU directives and domestic regulations. It is necessary for a common type of disposal to determine the mutual influence of ash, slag and additives on the improvement of the binding properties of the mixture, in order to be able to define the basic parameters necessary for the evaluation of possible disposal technologies and adoption of optimal technology for specific conditions, in order to prevent dust emissions. The paper presents the results of testing the influence of air flow on the deposited mixture ash, slag and additives by simulating real conditions in a wind-tunnel, purpose-constructed for these testing. Samples with different composition of fly ash, boiler ash, slag and additives (CaO and Ca(OH)2) were tested in order to determine the optimal content of additives and water in the mixture of ash and slag, as well as to determine the influence of wind velocity on the dispersion of the deposited material. Measurements of mass concentrations of total suspended particles (TSP) and suspended particles PM10 were performed and a comparative analysis of the impact of the compression of fly ash, additives and water content on the degree of PM10 emission was given. Finally, vetiver grass was tested as a solution to protect dumps from structural damage due to surface and groundwaters.






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coal combustion, thermal power plаnt, тechnological solutionsants,

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