Naslov (eng)

Investment in Research and Development and New Technological Adoption for the Sustainable Beekeeping Sector


Vapa-Tankosić, Jelena
Miler-Jerković, Vera
Jeremić, Dejan
Stanojević, Slobodan
Radovic, Gordana

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to understand how members of beekeeping associations, with long-standing sustainable traditions and products with registered geographical origins, perceive the investments in research and development (R&D) and new technological adoptions. By means of a binary logistic regression, the socio-demographic factors of the members of beekeeping associations predicting the investments in R&D and new technological adoptions were analyzed. Our findings point out that higher level of education and professional beekeeping experience predicts the willingness of investing in research and development. The higher level of education positively influences the willingness to hire professional consultants or bodies for the research and development of beekeeping practices. Serbian female beekeepers, beekeepers aged more than 41 years and professionally engaged beekeepers are more likely to admit that they need support of scientific and research institutions in the further development of beekeeping practices. A higher education has been shown to significantly predict the value added hive products due to new technology adoption. There is also a positive influence of the education level on new technology adoption.






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Keywords: apiculture investment; research and development; sustainability; beekeepers; honey; geographical origin; food; label

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:1600 Radovi profesora i saradnika Fakulteta za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment