Naslov (srp)

Korelativnost video igara i nasilja kod dece i mladih

Naslov (eng)

Correlation between video games and youth violence


Bjelajac, Željko
Filipović, Aleksandar M.


Novi Sad: Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe

Opis (eng)

Summary: Video games with elements of violence are among the most played video games. The authors, referring to scientific researches, try to answer several questions: why are violence and aggressiveness in video games so appealing, how and when video games, which are games by definition, stops being a game, and whether the video game manufacturers are calculated when producing video games that steps on boundaries of a profile of a game, so should such products be treated as a game? The authors also offer a different point of view. Mere playing will not turn children into bloodthirsty killers. The counter argument to the theory of violence is that violence is not caused only by video games, but by violent literature, films, television as well. Video game publishers look at the youth as only a small part of the market, while the much larger part of their production pipelines is dedicated to adults, who in general have larger incomes. Since it is their peer, video games industry has to have the same rights as other creative industries, including scenes of explicit sex and violence. Psychologists remind us that the saturation with violent images also has a beneficial effect on children, since they make them less sensitive and easier to control in the real world.

Opis (srp)

Sažetak: Video igre sa elementima nasilja koje izvodi svaki igrač spadaju među igre koje se igraju više od ostalih. Autori, pozivajući se na naučna istraživanja nastoje da odgovore na brojna pitanja: Zašto se te igre igraju radije nego druge, zašto su agresivnost i nasilje u video igrama tako privlačni, kako agresivnost i nasilje u igrama deluju na mladog igrača, zašto i kada video igre, po definiciji igra, prestaje da bude igra, da li proizvođači video igara sračunato proizvode igre koje izlaze iz profila igre, pa se prema njoj ne treba odnositi kao prema igri? Autori nude i drugačiju tačku gledišta. Samo igranje neće pretvoriti decu u krvožedne ubice. Kontrargument teoriji o nasilju je stav da nasilje ne izazivaju samo video igre već i nasilne knjige i filmovi, televizija. Izdavačke kuće vide mlade kao mali deo tržišta, dok je veći deo namenjen odraslima, sa većim prihodom. Industriji video igara moraju biti data ista prava kao ostalim kulturnim industrijama, što uključuje scene eksplicitnog seksa i nasilja. Psiholozi podsećaju da zasićenost nasilnim slikama ima i blagotvoran uticaj na decu, jer ih čini manje osetljivim, i lakšim za kontrolu u stvarnom svetu.






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Keywords: Video games, violence, youth, aggression, addiction

Ključne reči: Video igre, nasilje, mladi, agresivnost, zavisnost

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o:1575 Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe