Naslov (eng)

Water, soil and sediment sampling traininig activities


Milutinović, Sandra
Vasiljević, Sanela
Obradović, Ljubiša
Gardić, Vojka
Marković, Radmila
Vlad Oros, Beatrice
Dascalu, Daniela

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Theoretical and practical training courses for PhD students concerning the sampling of water, soil and sediments are realized in a period May-July 2021. During the theoretical training some details for the sampling are presented in a form of a Power Point presentation. Two sampling training courses were performed on the locations of Bor River and Robule accumulation. All activities were realized by the members of Serbian team and by the volunteers from the MMI Bor. Graphical documentation and short movies were presented on the on-line meeting as a part of the thematic excursions that were organized by the Romanian partner.






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Keywords: sampling, theoretical, practical, PhD students

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:179 Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor