Naslov (srp)


Naslov (eng)

The importance of determining the efficiency of business of agricultural farms in relation to the use of credits in agriculture, the example of the republic of Serbia


Bakmaz, Ognjen
Anđelić, Slavica
Dragosavac, Miloš
Grublješić, Željko
Nastić, Sandra
Popović, Dragana
Tubić, Miloš
Popović, Slobodan

Opis (srp)

Sažetak: Organizacija poljoprivredne proizvodnje u zemljama, poput Republike Srbije, treba da bude takva da se približi što više optimalnoj. To je moguće postići na različite načine. Jedan od načina poboljšanja uspešnosti i efikasnosti poslovanja treba posmatrati u traženju najpovoljnijeg oblika dobijanja kredita od strane poslovnih banaka. U radu, je istaknut značaj analiziranja tri vrste kredita i to: kredit za re-finansiranje namenjen poljoprivredi, investicioni kredit namenjen poljoprivredi i kredit za obrtna sredstva namenjen poljoprivredi sa aspekta efikasnosti poslovanja poljoprivrednog gazdinstva. Urađena je Pearsonova korelaciona analiza za period posmatranja 2021-2022.godina. Osnovni zaključak je da postoji povezanost između efikasnosti poslovanja poljoprivrednog gazdinstva sa sva tri oblika uzimanja kredita od strane poljoprivrednih gazdinstava na uzorku od N=149, odnosno dobijeni rezultati su to potvrdili (p<.05). Osim toga, studija upućuje na postojanje i drugog zaključka, odnosno da troškovi vezani za uzete kredite u posmatranom periodu imaju rast, ali oni nemaju takav uticaj kao analizirana tri oblika kredita koje uzimaju poljoprivredna gazdinstva, jer se njihov uticaj kreće u intervalu od 0.067 za 2021., do 0.070 za 2022. godinu.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Abstract: The organization of agricultural production in countries such as the Republic of Serbia should be as close as possible to optimality. This can be achieved in different ways. One of the ways to improve the success and efficiency of business should be seen in the search for the most favorable form of obtaining loans from commercial banks. The paper highlights the importance of analyzing three types of loans, namely: a loan for refinancing intended for agriculture, an investment loan intended for agriculture and a loan for working capital intended for agriculture from the perspective of the efficiency of agricultural operations. A Pearson correlation analysis was performed for the observation period 2021-2022. The main conclusion is that there is a connection between the efficiency of agricultural operations with all three forms of taking loans by agricultural farms on a sample of N =149, that is, the obtained results confirmed this (p<.05). In addition, the study points to the existence of another conclusion, i.e. that the costs related to the taken loans in the observed period have an increase, but they do not have such an impact as the analyzed three forms of loans taken by agricultural holdings, because their impact is in the interval of 0.067 for 2021 to 0.070 in 2022.






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Keywords: Agriculture holding, credit, business efficiency

Ključne reči: Poljoprivredno gazdinstvo, kredit, efikasnost poslovanja.

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:1600 Radovi profesora i saradnika Fakulteta za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment