Naslov (eng)



Kabir, Shajahan
Radović Marković, Mirjana
Marković, Dušan

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Bangabandhu’s vision was clear, challenging and realitybased. He decorated the agricultural policies based on the farmers and their economic conditions. The leader put special importance on practising integrated agriculture. This paper aims to synthesize the agriculture and food security policy in terms of Bangabondhu’s development philosophy. The study has followed survey research with the qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques approach. The Charland area in Mymensingh district has selected 300 farm households with 60 women through a random sample technique. Average yearly income was 264000 tk, 167000 tk and 189000 tk respectively cereal crop, vegetables and poultry rearing activities. Crop producer average income was higher among all groups. The findings show that about 53% of female-headed households adopt and use more indigenous implements in land preparation compared to 28 % of male-headed households. It is also revealed that male-headed households are the greater adopters and users of newly adopted equipment in land preparation 55% of male and 36% of female-headed households do the same. Household dietary diversity score of these three groups are cereal crop producers 8.86, vegetable producers 8.54 and poultry rearing 9.15. The family size of the household has a positive coefficient is 0.16 and is highly significant and the experience with modern technology of respondents has a positive coefficient of 0.492 and is highly significant. The data revealed that 67 per cent of respondents noticed soil quality is deteriorating due to modern technology although more food is produced, 88 per cent agreed with the statement that efficiency in production increases remarkably. Regarding women in the agriculture sector of the study area, the perception index scores indicate that women play a vital role in agriculture as 3rd statement has scored 252 and is ranked 3rd among all statements. Apart from this a large number of respondents positively agreed on having permission from their husbands to get engaged as economically active participants in agriculture as 2nd statement has scored 225 and is ranked 6th among all statements. To enhance technology adoption by farmers, policymakers and developers of new technology need to understand farmers' need as well as their ability to adopt technology. Various problems such as insufficient capital, lack of profit, inadequate training facilities, lack of adequate farm machinery etc. problems are faced by the respondents in those areas. These problems are barriers to the attainment of women's empowerment and food security.






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Keywords: Bangabondhu’s agricultural development, Food security, Bangladesh

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:1600 Radovi profesora i saradnika Fakulteta za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment