Naslov (eng)

Selection of the optimal contour of the open pit in mining the lead and zinc ore deposit with the increased mercury content


Kržanović, Daniel
Rajković, Radmilo
Vušović, Nenad
Jovanović, Milenko

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Mining processes are complex and complicated, with many different economic, technical, environ-mental and other parameters that must be planned before the project gets its practical value. Many of these parameters are evaluated independently of others, due to the expediency and difficulties in predict-ting values for variables under consideration. Costs, prices, reserves, mining and processing of ore, as well as many social aspects, such as issuing permits for works, are absolutely crucial for the project evaluation. Each ore body is different, but the main steps in the open pit planning, when the main goal is to maximize NPV, follow the same principle. These steps are presented as the linear for simplicity. The actual planning process is an iterative process, in which some steps or a combination of steps are re-peated many times with the sensitivity analysis.

Opis (eng)

Received: 05.05.2021. Revised: 20.05.2021. Accepted: 24.05.2021.






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Keywords: software deposit modeling, optimal open pit contour, net present value

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o:179 Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor