Naslov (eng)

Characterization of hybrid aluminum composites reinforced with Al2O3 particles and walnut-shell ash


Petrović, Jasmina
Mladenović, Srba
Marković, Ivana
Dimitrijević, Silvana

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Hybrid aluminum composites obtained with stir casting were investigated in this study. Aluminum alloy EN AW 6061 was reinforced with particles of Al2O3 and walnut-shell ash (WSA). The weight fraction of Al2O3 was constant (5 w/%) and for the walnut-shell ash, it was (1, 2 and 3) w/%. The morphology of the composites and particle distribution were examined with an optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. Microstructural studies showed a uniform distribution of the reinforced particles in all the investigated samples. A chemical analysis of the reinforcing particles on the samples’ surfaces was done using an energy-dispersive spectrometer. The changes in the mechanical properties including the hardness, tensile strength and elongation in relation to the increase in the weight fraction of ash were investigated. The results showed that the hardness and tensile strength increase, while the elongation decreases with an increase in the weight fraction of ash in the composites. The mechanical properties of the obtained composites showed improvement compared to the EN AW 6061 alloy.

Opis (slv)

Članek opisuje raziskavo hibridnih kompozitov na osnovi Al zlitine, izdelanih s postopkom gnetenja oziroma livarskega postopka premešavanja z gnetenjem (angl.: stir casting). Zlitino na osnovi Al z oznako EN AW 6061 so ojačali z delci Al2O3 in pepelom orehovih lupin (WSA; angl.: walnut shell ash). Masni delež delcev Al2O3 so držali konstanten (5 w/%), medtem ko so bili izbrani masni deleži delcev pepela (1, 2 in 3) w/%. Morfologijo izdelanih kompozitov in porazdelitev delcev so opazovali pod optičnim in vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom. Mikrostrukturne študije so pokazale, da je v vseh izdelanih kompozitih porazdelitev delcev ojačitve v kovinski osnovi enakomerna. Kemijska analiza delcev ojačitve je bila izvedena na površini vzorcev z energijskim disperzijskim spektrometrom. Določene so bile tudi spremembe mehanskih lastnosti, kot so trdota, natezna trdnost in raztezek, zaradi spremembe oz. povečanja deleža ojačitvene faze (pepela). Rezultati analiz so pokazali, da trdota in natezna trdnost naraščata, medtem ko se raztezek kompozita zmanjšuje s povečevanjem deleža pepela orehovih lupin v kompozitu. Očitno je bilo torej izboljšanje mehanskih lastnosti (trdote in trdnosti) izdelanih hibridnih kompozitov v primerjavi z osnovno Al zlitino EN AW 6061.






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Ključne besede: zlitina na osnovi aluminija, ojačitev, orehove lupine, pepel.

Keywords: aluminium alloy, reinforcement, walnut shell, ash.

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:179 Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor