Naslov (srp)

Развој општине Лепосавић у двадесетом веку и миграциона кретања становништва (случај Крагујевца)

Naslov (eng)

Development of the municipality of Leposavić in the twentieth century and migration movements of the population (case of Kragujevac)


Ђурђевић, Сава
Зарковић, Весна

Opis (eng)

Summary: The municipality of Leposavić, situated in the northernmost region of Kosovo and Metohija, holds a strategic position on the slopes of Kopaonik and Rogozna. Archaeological findings by Emil Chereshkov have brought to light the existence of the ancient city of Municipium DD near the present-day village of Sočanica during the Roman Empire. Originally within the Byzantine Empire, the territory of the Leposavić municipality later became integrated into the medieval Serbian state. Notably, mining played a pivotal role in the region’s economy, with active mines at Koporić and Beli Brdo during the Middle Ages. In the foundational charter of King Stefan Uroš II Milutin, approximately 19 villages are enumerated, many of which continue to exist today under either similar or altered names. The decline of mining activities in these areas commenced following the advent of the Ottomans and the subsequent collapse of the Serbian medieval state. Notably, during the nineteenth century, the region served as the northwestern frontier of the Ottoman Empire and functioned as the natural link of the Serbian populace with the Kingdom of Serbia. Situated within the Kosovo Vilayet, Mitrovica kaza and Novi Pazar, and Vučitrn nahije, the territory assumed significant importance. Following the liberation of Kosovo and Metohija during the initial Balkan War, Leposavic once again integrated with the Serbian state. Notably, during the interwar period, the impending municipal territory of Leposavić underwent division into various administrative entities due to several administrative and territorial reforms. Subsequently, post its liberation in 1944 during the Second World War, Leposavić became an integral part of the Autonomous Region of Kosovo Metohija. In the wake of the abolition of counties in Serbia, the Leposavić municipality witnessed a territorial expansion of 190 square kilometers in 1959, extending into central Serbia. This restructuring led to the formation of the municipality in its current configuration. The early sixties marked the commencement of an accelerated industrialization and urbanization process in Leposavić. The primary focus of economic development was on the advancement of mining, coupled with the establishment of multiple factories. Despite experiencing substantial prosperity and development from the early sixties of the 20th century, the progress within different parts of the municipality was uneven. Major challenges included the lack of electrification and the need for a water supply network, particularly in rural settlements. Consequently, some villages only gained access to electricity in the early eighties. The earthquake that struck Kopaonik in 1980 significantly impacted the municipality’s development trajectories. Prior to the 1960s, the municipality experienced a consistent increase in its population. However, from the mid-sixties, there was a decline in natural growth and a concurrent pattern of emigration due to limited employment opportunities. Kragujevac emerged as a prominent relocation destination for many residents, given its stature as a strong industrial center in Serbia at the time. A series of oral history interviews were conducted with the first generation of emigrants from Leposavić to Kragujevac, starting in the mid-sixties through the early eighties of the 20th century. The interviews revealed that most emigrated to Kragujevac in pursuit of employment. The unfolding political crisis from the early 1980s, fueled by the rise of Albanian nationalism, partly affected these emigrants. The emigrants to Kragujevac, who were the subject of the oral history interviews, migrated within the chronological span from the mid-sixties to the early eighties of the 20th century. It is an established fact that the municipality of Leposavić underwent significant post-World War II growth. However, unachieved development plans have contributed to its status as an underdeveloped municipality.

Opis (srp)

Апстракт: Лепосавић као најсевернија општина на простору Косова и Метохије представља стратешки важну тачку на обронцима Копаоника и Рогозне. Управо због свог положаја имала је значајну улогу у историји ових простора. У раду се на основу релевантне литературе и доступних историјских извора најпре даје један краћи преглед развоја подручја данашње територије општине Лепосавић од Берлинског конгреса до краја Другог светског рата. Такође, настојали смо да на основу писања штампе (Јединство, Борба) укажемо на неке од главних процеса, карактеристичних за развој ове општине, нарочито након њеног коначног формирања, од 1959. године. Посебан осврт је стављен на привредне, просветне и културне прилике. У завршном делу је коришћена метода усмене историје и интервјуа са виновницима овог процеса, чији је циљ истицање феномена миграције становништва са подручја Лепосавића у Крагујевац од краја шездесетих до средине осамдесетих година ХХ века, који је за разлику од осталих делова Косова и Метохије најчешће имао економски карактер.






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Keywords: Leposavić, Kosovo and Metohija, Kragujevac, migration.

Кључне речи: Лепосавић, Косово и Метохија, Крагујевац, миграције.

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