Naslov (eng)

Economic and environmental business effects of multinational companies in the field of ntural resources


Jovanović, Violeta
Staletović, Novica
Đurđevac, Vanja
Krstić, Vesna

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Multinational copmanies play a key role in the globalization process. These copmanies has a great influence on opening the borders, flowing of goods, capital and services. Also, these copmanies are carriers of foreign direct investment. In some cases, these companies can foster economic development, but they can also be large “exporters of profits”. In addition to the many positive economic effects, these companies have their negative impacts, both economic and environmental. The paper will analyze the economic and environmental effects of the operations of multinational companies in the field of natural resources through the impact on the economy, society and environment.






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Keywords: Multinational companies, natural resources, ecology, economics

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