Naslov (eng)

History and/or propaganda: the books of Tim Judas, Noel Malcolm and Miranda Vickers on Kosovo and Metohija


Ristanović, Petar

Opis (eng)

Summary: The paper analyzes the methodological approach and original foundation of the books of three influential British authors whose books on Kosovo and Metohija, written on the eve of the war in 1999, had a strong influence on political decision-makers from the West. The aforementioned books defined the dominant discourse and narrative in the Western academic public and journalism today. The influence of these books is still great since they are usually found in the bibliography of recent scientific works and monographs. Such a far-reaching influence leads to the need to review their methodological and original foundation.






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Key words: Kosovo and Metohija, Kosovo issue, Tim Jude, Noel Malcolm, Miranda Vickers.

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