Naslov (eng)

Natural hazard risk analysis in the framework of water safety plans


Amadio, Jessica
Tsitsifli, Stavroula
Lukač Reberski, Jasmina
Srša, Matjaž
Romano, Emanuele
Papakonstantinou, Argiris
Papadopoulou, Anastasia
Kovac, Darko
Duro, Andrea
Čenčur Curk, Barbara
Campione, Emanuela
Boljat, Ivana
Banovec, Primoz
Matić, Branislava
Dimkić, Dejan
Kanakoudis, Vasilis


IWA Publishing, London, United Kingdom

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT The available literature on natural hazard risk analysis focused on the implementation of water safety plans (WSPs) is surprisingly quite poor, despite the significant increase in the number and severity of disasters and adverse effects on drinking water supply systems generated by natural hazards. At the same time, WSPs that conveniently account for natural hazards with a comprehensive approach ‘from source to tap’ are still scarce as they typically occur at larger spatial scales and adequate prevention, mitigation and adaptation require efficient inter-institutional collaborations. The aim of this paper is to highlight the main bottlenecks for water utilities to include natural hazards in the development of their WSPs. The research adopted a stakeholders-oriented approach, involving a considerable number of water utilities (168), water sectoral agencies (15) and institutions (68) across the Adriatic-Ionian Region through a stepwise process that generated joint SWOT analysis, the development of a decision support system (DSS) focused on WSPs procedures and tabletop exercises. The final outcomes generated strategic documents (REWAS – Adrion Road map for resilient water supply) that highlighted the necessity for efficient cross-sectoral and inter-institutional cooperation in the development of well-founded and robust WSPs to address natural hazard risk analysis for water supply systems (DWSS).






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Keywords: civil protection mechanism, EU drinking water directive, multihazard risk assessment, water safety plan, water utilities

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