Naslov (eng)

Integrated analysis of water pollution: case studies on nitrogen tracing in anoxic and oxic groundwater environments


Perović, Marija


Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad

Opis (eng)

Presented research explores the critical role of water in sustainable development and the challenges it faces, particularly in managing groundwater pollution, with a focus on nitrogen sources. Groundwater, vital for human survival, undergoes increasing strain due to various factors, including agricultural and industrial activities. With less than 10% of wastewater in Serbia undergoing treatment and nitrogen being wastewaters’ primary constituent, the research underscores the importance of utilizing diverse scientific methods to effectively trace nitrogen origin and transformations. Given that over 50% of Serbia's water supply is sourced from alluvial aquifers, three case studies demonstrate the integration of hydrogeochemistry, isotopic analysis, and microbiological tests as a comprehensive approach to understanding nitrogen transformations in shallow alluvial groundwaters. Based on physicochemical data, the groundwater potential for nitrogen conservation or removal can be determined. To evaluate the ability of machine learning models to predict the ammonium concentration in groundwater, four machine learning models were applied: a three-layer neural network (NN), a deep neural network (DNN), and two variants of support vector regression (SVR) models: with linear and with Gaussian radial basis function kernel. Despite the complexities involved, this multidisciplinary approach offers valuable insights for groundwater management, emphasizing the importance of prevention over treatment.






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Nitrogen; Nitrate; Groundwater; Isotopes.

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