Naslov (eng)

Program realism : (the influence of Ljuben Karavelovʼs ideas on Svetozar Markovic)

Naslov (srp)

Програмски реализам : (утицај идеја Љубена Каравелова на Светозара Марковића)


Mumović, Ana

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The aim of the paper is to show how certain programming ideas of Ljubin Karavelov, who spent two years in Serbia, influenced the programming ideas of Svetozar Markovic, with whom he collaborated intensively, advocating for the abolition of sentimentalism and romanticism, and striving to introduce the realistic method and contemporary social themes into literature. Both of them transmitted theses and literary experiences of Russian revolutionary democrats and realist writers. The ideas they presented in their program texts influenced the igniting of the national, anti-bureaucratic, social and revolutionary struggle.






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Keywords: Ljuben Karavelov, Svtozar Marković, programmatic realism, influence, ideas.

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