Naslov (eng)

The murder of Danilo Milinčić 1982 and opening of Kosovo issue in Serbian publicity

Naslov (srp)

Убиство Данила Милинчића 1982. године и отварање косовског питања у српској јавности


Ristanović, Petar

Opis (srp)

Апстракт: У раду је на основу интервјуа, архивских докумената и периодике анализиран „случај Милинчић“, који је у југословенској јавности отворен након убиства Данила Малинчића, у селу Самодрежа крај Вучитрна, 1982. године. Демонстрације Албанаца у покрајини 1981. године отвориле су косовско питање као политичко питање, али је оно тек након „случаја Милинчић“ постало једно од кључних политичких и друштвених питања у јавности СР Србије. Развој случаја је поставио преседан за извештавање штампе о догађајима на Косову, што се показало као изузетно важан фактор у развоју косовске кризе.

Opis (eng)

Summary: In the village of Samodreža near Vucitrn on June 2nd 1982, there was a murder by which Kosovo issue was opened in Serbian publicity. Early retired worker of “Trepca”, Muhamed Muja Ferati, after a short quarrel killed Danilo Milincic in the field and wounded his mother Milica. In the following days the press reported thoroughly on the murder. When Danilo’s mother appeared in front of the camera of TV Belgrade she declared that Muja in the moment of murder said:”This is ours, and not Serbian. I have got ten children and thy will inherit this”, the case Martinovic was opened. The fact it was written a lot on the murder, the tone of the reports and other cases that happened some days after the murder of Danilo (incident in the village of Gojbulja, murder of Miodrag Šaric) influenced a great anxiety with Serbs in Kosovo, desire for revenge of the Serbs in central Serbia and the downfall of trust in political leadership. Muhamed Muja Ferati was death sentenced in August 1982, and after all possibilities for complaint being exhausted, the penalty was executed in April 1984. Short and effective trial should have shown the seriousness of Provincial leadership in the struggle with problems in Kosovo. Nevertheless, the consequences of such process were that a lot of legends were spun on that case, rumour was spread and could reach the press which resulted in great dissatisfaction of Serbs due to the condition in Kosovo. The case Milicic broke away of its essence and became the symbol of suffering of all Serbs in Kosovo. A long-term consequence of the case Martinovic was the beginning of public discourse radicalization, weakening of censorship over press and its establishment as an important factor with strong influence on the development of Kosovo issue.






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Keywords: History of Yugoslavia, Danilo Milicic, SAP Kosovo, Kosovo issue, demonstrations in Kosovo 1981.

Кључне речи: историја Југославије, Данило Милинчић, САП Косово, косовско питање, демонстрације на Косову 1981.

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