Naslov (eng)

Influence of pH value of leach solutions on efficiency of electrolytic deposition of cobalt


Medić, Dragana
Milić, Snežana
Alagić, Slađana
Dimitrijević, Silvana
Đorđievski, Stefan
Nujkić, Maja
Papludis, Aleksandra
Gorgievski, Milan

Opis (eng)

Abstract: LiCoO2 belongs to the first generation of cathode materials and is a component with the greatest potential for recycling. In order to recover cobalt from spent lithium-ion batteries, the cathode material was dissolved in sulfuric acid in an atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen. As a result, a leach solution with a low pH value was obtained. In this paper, the influence of the initial pH value of leach solutions on the efficiency of electrolytic precipitation of cobalt was investigated. Recorded cyclic voltammogram indicated that the obtained leach solutions were not suitable for electrolytic precipitation of cobalt. However, 93% of cobalt was recovered by increasing the electrical conductivity and pH value of leach solutions.






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Keywords: Kinetic Study, Copper Ions, Barley Straw, Biosorption, Chemisorption

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