Naslov (eng)

Sampling of soil and sediments


Gardić, Vojka
Obradović, Ljubiša
Marković, Radmila
Stevanović, Zoran
Matica, Adina
Isvoran, Adriana
Ostafe, Vasile

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Environmental screening assessment by evaluation of the distribution of toxic substances into soil and sediments was the objective of this activities. For realization it is crucial that the sampling is done in a proper manner and with the appropriate equipment. During the field activities in the mining operations areas soil and sediments samples (about 51 pcs.) are taken according to the procedure which is one of the deliveries from this project. Sampling points and sampling dynamics are defined according to the project activities. The sampling procedure is applied by the members of the teams of the project RoRS 337, “ROmania Serbia NETwork for assessing and disseminating the impact of copper mining activities on water quality in the cross-border area” (RoS-NET2) and detail information concerning this procedure and field sampling details are available in the knowledge base that is built within the above project and at the url:






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Keywords: soil, sediments, sampling, procedure, cross border area of Romania and Serbia.

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:179 Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor