Naslov (eng)

Influence of cold rolling and annealing on hardness of bimetallic strip Cu-Al


Marjanović, Saša
Gusković, Dragoslav
Mitrović, Milijana
Požega, Emina
Trumić, Biserka
Stamenković, Uroš

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Samples of bimetallic strip Cu-Al were cold rolled with different reduction degrees, and the ones deformed with the highest reduction degrees were annealed afterwards at different temperatures for a period of one hour. The values of the hardness of the layers of the bimetallic strip were obtained as a function of the degree of deformation, and the annealing temperature. Global flow of curves hardness - total deformation, increases, where the increase in the hardness of aluminum with increasing degree of deformation is approximately linear. A decrease in hardness was observed with an increase in the annealing temperature, in both the aluminum layer and the copper layer.






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Keywords: bimetallic strip, hardness, deformation degree, annealing temperature

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o:179 Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor