Antibiotics and Sulfonamides in Water, Sediment, and Fish in an Integrated Production System
Puvača, Nikola
Pelić, Miloš
Kartalović, Brankica
Živkov Baloš, Milica
Novakov, Nikolina
Ljubojević Pelić, Dragana
Abstract: The aim of the present work was to examine the effect of using slaughterhouse wastewater on the production of carp meat safe for human consumption in terms of antibiotic residue level. The obtained results of the content of tetracycline and sulfonamides in water, sediment, and carp meat samples showed that the measured values were below the limit of detection for each tested parameter. Control of antibiotic residues in foods of animal origin is very important and mandatory to protect the health of end consumers and prevent the spread of antibiotic resistance.
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Keywords: antibiotics residue; fish; aquaculture; wastewater; sustainability.
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