Naslov (eng)

Ascomycete Fungi (Alternaria spp.) Characterization as Major Feed Grains Pathogens


Puvača, Nikola
Bursić, Vojislava
Vuković, Gorica
Budakov, Dragana
Avantaggiato, Giuseppina
Cara, Magdalena

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The emergence of new infectious plant diseases is driven by anthropogenic and environmental change, including trade, land use, and climate changes. The movement of infected plant material through trade in plant products, germplasm, grafts, and live plants has been recognized as the most significant contributing factor to the emergence of new plant diseases. Alternaria spp. are ubiquitous fungi. They are present in the human and animals' environment, being commonly found in environmental dust samples and air conditioning systems, while spore traps often show evidence of Alternaria dispersal. Alternaria spp. have even been shown to be associated with insects, having been isolated from the backs of cockroaches. Little work has been performed to investigate the saprotrophic lifestyle of Alternaria spp., which probably accounts for the majority of Alternaria species in nature. Alternaria spp. can persist on low nutrient media, suggesting that they can complete their lifecycle in poor nutrient environments. This review aims to present the lifestyle of ascomycete fungi such as Alternaria spp. and show their characterization as major feed grains pathogens in agricultural feed production.






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Keywords: mycotoxins; wheat; Alternaria; fungi; feed; toxins

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:1600 Radovi profesora i saradnika Fakulteta za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment