Naslov (eng)

How does plastic pollution affect soil quality in plasticulture?


Saljnikov, Elmira
Grujic, Tara
Jovkovic, Marina
Krnjajic, Slobodan
Kosaki, T.
Belanovic-Simic, Snezana
Marjanovic, Zorica

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Growing crops in plastic greenhouses and mulching with plastics is one of the largest sources of microplastics in the environment around the world and especially in Serbia. Plastic waste is known for its stability and recalcitrance in the environment, so it is generally assumed that standard plastic waste is not degradable. The determination of microplastics in soil is a major challenge due to the complexity of the soil matrix. The aim of the study was to show the effects of plastic particles on the chemical, physical and biological properties of arable soils. Alluvial soils from three major river basins (Danube, Morava and Sava) in Serbia, which are most affected by seasonal flooding, were selected. Soils from MP-polluted (plasticulture) and non-polluted (open field) sites, located next to each other, were sampled in 2022 from two depths 0-15 and 15-30 cm. Preliminary results showed that the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil were significantly affected by the presence of plastics. Plastic contamination in the soil environment has an impact on organic matter cycling, global carbon dioxide production, plant production, soil properties, water quality, etc. It is time to raise awareness that the pollution of our environment with plastic waste can lead to serious disruptions of the ecosystem and its ability to fulfil its functions, such as the production of sufficient and high-quality quantities of food.






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plastic waste,alluvial soil,soil quality,plasticulture

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