Naslov (eng)

Innovations in Agricultural and Wine Production Sector


Gardašević, Jovana
Brkić, Ivana
Krstić, Tamara

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The subject of this paper is to consider the issues concerning the importance of innovation in the agricultural and wine sector. In order to remain on the market and remain its competitiveness, it is necessary for the small agricultural enterprises to improve their production process, which can be achieved by monitoring and improving innovative activities. These activities include not only the application of new products, but also the entire way of thinking, acting and managing the creative potential of the organization in order to improve production. Innovation management includes a set of aplicable measures and methods which help the organization to adapt on market conditions and requirements. The methods used in this paper are: synthesis, analysis, induction, deduction, gelenarization, content analysis. Through a systematic review of the literature, the aim of this paper is to point out to all interested parts, the importance of respecting innovations in agricultural and wine production.






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Keywords: innovation; agricultural production sector; wine production sector.

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o:1600 Radovi profesora i saradnika Fakulteta za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment