INFLUENCE OF MEDICINAL PLANTS MIXTURES (Artemisia absinthium, Thymus vulgaris, Menthae piperitae and Thymus serpyllum) IN BROILERS NUTRITION ON BIOCHEMICAL BLOOD STATUS
Puvača, Nikola
Popović, Sanja
Kostadinović, Ljiljana
Đuragić, Olivera
Aćimović, Milica
Čabarkapa, Ivana
Ljubojević Pelić, Dragana
ABSTRACT: Aim of the trial was to investigate the influence of Artemisia absinthium, Thymus vulgaris, Menthae piperitae and Thymus serpyllum mixtures in broilers nutrition on productive characteristics and biochemical blood status. Trial involved two treatments with the total of 80 broilers within four replicates. Control treatment (C) of chickens was fed with basic commercial diet mixture, while the experimental treatment (E) was fed with the same basic mixture only with addition of 2.0 g/100g medicinal plants mixture. Addition of Artemisia absinthium, Thymus vulgaris, Menthae piperitae and Thymus serpyllum has led to the higher body weight of chickens at the end of the sixth week of the trail (2087.3±230,22 g), followed by control treatment (2059.8±210.63 g) without statistically significant differences (p>0.05). Feed conversion ratio was uniform for the entire trial period, without significant differences. European broiler index was higher in E (226.4±4.21 %) with the lower mortality rate (2.6±0.7 %). In recorded amounts of triglycerides and total cholesterol significant differences was absent, while the low density lipoprotein (LDL) and non-high density lipoprotein (non HDL) in broilers on E treatment recorder statistically significant (p<0.05) differences compared to a control treatment. The highest amount of high density lipoprotein (HDL) with statistical significance (42.8±1.28 mg/dl) was determined in E treatment. Having in mind aforementioned and on the base on the gained results, it can be concluded that the addition of Artemisia absinthium, Thymus vulgaris, Menthae piperitae and Thymus serpyllum in broilers nutrition has positive influence on production characteristics and biochemical blood status of chickens.
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Key words: medicinal plants, nutrition, chickens, cholesterol, lipids
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