Naslov (srp)

Legislativni aspekti razvoja visokog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji do 2030

Naslov (eng)

Legislative aspects of the development of higher education in the Republic of Serbia by 2030


Dukić Mijatović, Marijana


Novi Sad : Fakultet tehničkih nauka

Opis (srp)

Kratak sadržaj: Autor razmatra strateške pravce razvoja visokog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji u svetu promena u društveno-ekonomskom razvoju sa aspekta aktuelne legislative. Obrazovanje mora, po mišljenju autora, da prati društvo, njegove promene u zdravstvu, ekonomiji, politici, socijali, ekologiji. Razmatra se uticaj četvrte industrijske revolucije, informatičkog doba, na sve aspekte društva, opisuje se brzi tempo inovacija i društvenih transformacija u sinergiji sa konceptom visokog dualnog obrazovanja. Uspešna uloga obrazovanja, u tom procesu, podrazumeva kvalitetna znanja, zasnovana na organizovanom obrazovnom sistemu. Polazeći od svih tih promena koje se dešavaju i koje će se dešavati Vlada Republike Srbije je usvojila Strategiju obrazovanja 2021–2030. godine, u kojoj su dati vizija, ciljevi i principi obrazovanja u budućnosti, a implementaciju ambicioznog akcionog plana omogućiće legislativni set, koji čine Zakon o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o visokom obrazovanju, Zakon o studentskom organizovanju, kao i Zakon o dualnom modelu studija u visokom obrazovanju.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The author discusses the strategic directions of development of higher education in the Republic of Serbia in a world of changes in socio-economic development from the aspect of current legislation. According to the author’s opinion, education must follow society and its changes in health, economy, politics, social affairs, ecology. The author analyses the impact of the fourth industrial revolution and the information age to all aspects of society. She pointed out faster dynamics of innovation and social transformation in synergy with the concept of higher dual education. The successful role of education in this process implies quality knowledge, based on an organized education system. Starting from all these changes that are happening and will happen, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted the Education Strategy 2021-2030. The vision, goals and principles of education in the future are given, and the implementation of the ambitious action plan will be enabled by a legislative set, which consists of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Higher Education, the Law on Student Organization and the Law on Dual Model of Higher Education education.






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Keywords: Higher education, Dual education, Education Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, Legislation

Ključne reči: Visoko obrazovanje, Dualno obrazovanje, Strategija razvoja obrazovanja Republike Srbije, Legislativa

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o:1575 Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe