Naslov (eng)

Analysis the surface of modified lignin based microspheres used for selenium adsorption by the sem-eds analytical method


Marjanović, Vesna
Marković, Radmila
Dimitrijević, Silvana
Stevanović, Zoran

Opis (eng)

Аbstract: This paper presents the results of the morphological and elemental analysis of the material tested for evaluation the adsorption of selenium (Se) from water, obtained applying the SEM-EDS method. The tested material was obtained from a natural polymer - kraft lignin by the process of suspension copolymerization and additional modification with nanoparticles of iron oxide in the form of magnetite, called the A-LMS Fe3O4. According to the obtained morphological data, the A-LMS Fe3O4 material is highly porous, and the particles are irregularly spherical. The elemental analysis of material after the process of Se adsorption from water, using an EDS detector, detected the characteristic signals for Se.






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Keywords: selenium, SEM-EDS analysis, adsorption, magnetite.

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