Naslov (eng)

Consumer awareness of antimicrobial residues in drinking water

Naslov (srp)

Svest potrošača o ostacima antibiotika u vodi za piće


Puvača, Nikola
Vapa Tankosić, Jelena
Ignjatijević, Svetlana
Carić, Marko
Soleša, Dragan
Soleša, Katarina

Opis (eng)

Abstract: This study was conducted to assess the awareness among water consumers in urban and rural areas. In Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Montenegro, 505 consumers were surveyed using a structured questionnaire and checklist regarding their awareness of water quality and safety issues. A total of 18.4% of the consumers were not aware of the adverse effects of antimicrobial residues in water, while 8.1% of them were buying antibiotics without a medical prescription. The awareness was significantly influenced (P<0.05) by the consumer’s educational level and topographical location. The findings revealed that the majority of the respondents are consuming tap water (52.3%), followed by bottled water (43%) and water from natural sources (4.8%), respectively. The results also revealed that the sources of information regarding antibiotics' effects come mostly from medical doctors (43%) and pharmacologists (10.5%), while around 41% of all information regarding antibiotics comes from scientific literature and social media. Around 50% of the respondents have revealed that in their own country it is very easy to get the antibiotics and other drugs without a medical prescription, even if 47.5% of the respondents indicated that during the COVID-19 pandemic a doctor was available to prescribe therapy to a patient.

Opis (srp)

Sažetak: Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita svest među potrošačima vode u urbanim i ruralnim područjima. U Srbiji, Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini, Severnoj Makedoniji i Crnoj Gori, ukupno 505 potrošača je ispitano korišćenjem strukturiranog upitnika u vezi sa svešću potrošača o kvalitetu i bezbednosti vode. Ukupno 18,4% potrošača nije bilo svesno štetnih efekata ostataka antibiotika u vodi, dok je 8,1% njih kupovalo antibiotike bez lekarskog recepta. Na njih su značajno (P<0,05) uticali nivo obrazovanja potrošača i topografska lokacija. Dobijeni rezultati su takođe otkrili da većina ispitanika konzumira vodu iz česme (52,3%), zatim flaširanu (43%) kao i vodu iz prirodnih izvora (4,8%). Rezultati su takođe otkrili da izvori informacija o efektima antibiotika dolaze uglavnom od lekara (43%) i farmaceuta (10,5%), dok oko 41% svih informacija u vezi sa antibioticima dolazi iz naučne literature i društvenih medija. Oko 50% ispitanika je otkrilo da je u njihovoj zemlji vrlo lako dobiti antibiotike i druge lekove bez lekarskog recepta, čak i ako je 47,5% ispitanika navelo da je tokom pandemije COVID-19 lekar bio na raspolaganju da pacijentu prepiše terapiju.






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Keywords: consumer awareness / tap water / bottled water / AMR / antibiotics.

Ključne reči: svest potrošača / voda iz česme / flaširana voda / AMR / antibiotici

Deo kolekcije (2)

o:1600 Radovi profesora i saradnika Fakulteta za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment