Naslov (eng)

Dressing percentage and meat yield of Hybro G+ provenance broilers


Lilić, Slobodan
Babić-Milijašević, Jelena
Gerić, Tamara


IOP Publishing

Opis (eng)

The goal of this paper was to examine the slaughter characteristics of meat from Hybro G+ provenance broilers. Characteristics studied were dressing percentage, breast, leg (thigh and drumstick) and abdominal fat in chilled carcass, and percentage of meat, bones and skin in breast and leg. In this trial, one-day broilers of Hybro G+ provenance were raised under the same zoohygienic and ambient conditions that met the technological requirements for this provenance and were provided with feed and water ad libitum. After 42 days’ fattening, broilers were slaughtered and the resultant carcasses were air chilled. The average dressing percentage was 73.15%, and in carcasses, the average percentage of breast was 34.33%, leg was 27.91% and abdominal fat was 1.13%. The percentage in breast and leg of meat was 72.61% and 70.38%, of skin was 8.00% and 9.45% and of bones was 19.79% and 19.59%, respectively. The meat:bone ratio was 0.27 for breast and 0.28 for leg.






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o:32 Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa