Naslov (srp)

Мотив воде у приповедачком опусу Иве Андрића (Прилог тумачењу историјске, митске и религиозне слике света)

Naslov (eng)

The motif of water in Ivo Andric's storytelling oeuvre (A contribution to the interpretation of the historical, mythical and religious image of the world)


Мумовић, Ана

Opis (srp)

Апстракт: Мотив воде често је присутан у структури Андрићевих дела. Лако се уочава да је велики број јунака и њихових судбина писац градио на обалама Рзава, Жепе, Лашве и Дрине, реке за коју је везао своја најранија животна сећања и њихова драматска и трагична искуства. Мотив вода често се јавља и као симбол интимних сукоба у њима или као израз древних веровања и обреда или препрека. На примерима романа На Дрини ћуприја и приповедака Љубав у касаби, Свадба, Чудо у Олову и Мила и Прелац, као узорцима и стилским примерима, указаћемо на значај, значење и улогу мотива вода у структури приче и приповедања у контексту уметникове пројекције историјске, митске и религиозне слике света.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Working on the extracts taken from the novel The Bridge on the Drina and short stories of Ljubav u kasabi (Love in a small town), Vjenčanje (Wedding), Čudo u Olovu (Miracle in Olovo) and Mila i Prelac (Mila and Prelac) as being representative in terms of Andrić’s style, the author indicates the importance, meaning, and role of the motif of water in the structure of Andrić’s storytelling, in the context of the his projection of historical, mythical and religious images of the world. Our findings support the fact that Andric's attitude towards water is close to Gaston Bashlar's point of view, who believes that water, like other natural elements, gives great freedom to the imagination because it has no predetermined form and ambivalence. Andric created a large number of characters and their respective destinies on the banks of the Rzav, the Zepa, and the Drina Rivers, to which he tied his earliest life memories. The motif of water often appears as a symbol of intimate conflicts of his personalities, as an expression of ancient beliefs, and as a ritual or an obstacle. In the Chapter 5 of the novel The Bridge on the Drina, we read a story of a great flood, a terrible elemental disaster, which brought the townsfolk together, regardless of their religion. The aforementioned extracts show that the motif of water in the storytelling of Ivo Andric is an important segment of the structure of his entire narrative work, and that it is creatively integrated into the historical, mythical, and religious image of the world.






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Кључне речи: Иво Андрић, вода, историја, мит, легенда, приповедачки поступак.

Keywords: Ivo Andric, water, history, myth, legend, storytelling process.

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