Naslov (eng)

Agrarian reform in Russia in the nineteenth century and its impact on the russian economy

Naslov (srp)

Agrarna reforma u Rusiji u XIX veku i njen uticaj na rusku privredu


Bursać, Boris
Glumac, Stanislav

Opis (eng)

Abstract: With the absolute right, we can say that the nineteenth century for Russia represents a period enactment of crucial laws – reforms with only one goal and that is to modernize the sleeping Russian Empire. Although Russia during this period was a feudal state, the nobility still has the final word as serfs bear the yoke of progress. Western European countries are largely in the process of industrialization while the Russian Empire, with a significant role in world events of the nineteenth century, retains serfdom and thereby slows its further progress. Thanks to its natural resources, Russia survives by supplying Western European industry with raw materials. Yet that was not enough, Russia has begun increasingly economically lagging Western European countries what would later create problems and shake the Empire. Next date that marked Russian history is 1861. year of the abolition of serfdom in Russia and this will be the central subject of analysis in this work. This work represents an analysis of the period in which Russia started to wake up from their sleep, the period of the reign of the most progressive Russian Tsar Alexander II Romanov and above all, a period in which everything is reduced to one of Hamlet's question, to deteriorate or stand. Also, we analyze the situation of the Russian economy today and its road of survival under the sanctions of a part of the international community.

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Sa apsolutnim pravom možemo reći da XIX vek za Rusiju predstavlja period donošenja krucijalnih zakona – reformi sa jednim jedinim ciljem a to je modernizacija usnule Ruske carevine. Iako je Rusija u tom periodu feudalna država, plemstvo i dalje vodi glavnu reč dok kmetovi nose jaram napretka. Zemlje zapadne Evrope se uveliko nalaze u procesu industrijalizacije dok Ruska carevina sa značajnom ulogom u svetskim zbivanjima XIX veka, zadržava kmetstvo i time usporava svoj dalji napredak. Zahvaljujući svojim prirodnim bogatstvima opstaje i snabdeva sirovinama zapadnoevropsku industriju. Ipak to nije bilo dovoljno, Rusija je počela sve više ekonomski da zaostaje što će kasnije stvoriti probleme i uzdrmati carevinu. Smatralo se da car Aleksandar I ima volje i snage za sprovođenje preko potrebnih reformi, ali ga je rat sa Napoleonom duboko uverio da je društveno politički sistem plemićke imperije, jedini način da se sačuva ruska država. Sledeći datum koji je obeležio rusku istoriju jeste 1861. godina odnosno godina ukidanja kmetstva u Rusiji taj događaj je u istoriji ostao upamćen kao agrarna reforma ili reforma sela i biće centralni predmet analize ovog rada. Rad predstavlja analizu jednog perioda u kom je Rusija počela da se budi iz svog sna, perioda vladavine najprogresivnijeg ruskog cara Aleksandra II Romanova, i pre svega perioda u kome je sve svedeno na jedno hamletovsko pitanje, propadati ili opstati. U radu se, takođe, analizira položaj ruske privrede danas i njen put opstanka pod sankcijama dela međunarodne zajednice.






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Ključne reči: Rusija, reforme, ukidanje kmetstva, Aleksandar II, ekonomski razvoj.

Keywords: Russia, reforms, the abolition of serfdom, Alexander II, economic development.

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