Naslov (eng)

Suffering of the Spanish Jews (Sephardim) from Nis and Pirot during the Second World War

Naslov (srp)

Stradanje španskih Jevreja (Sefarda) iz Niša i Pirota za vreme Drugog svetskog rata


Vidosavljević, Milena

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Kada je sefardsko stanovništvo proterano iz Španije 1492. i Portugalije 1496. godine, životni tok i sudbina ovog naroda su se potpuno menjali i prilagođavali novim sredinama. Tražeći utočišta u drugim državama, Sefardi su se okrenuli balkanskim zemljama i počeli da naseljavaju mnoge srpske gradove, među kojima su bili Niš i Pirot. U pomenutim gradovima, španski Jevreji formirali su jevrejske zajednice i uprkos životnim nedaćama, između dva svetska rata, sve vreme su ulagali u obrazovanje svoje omladine i omogućavali članovima zajednice da se ostvare u kulturnim i sportskim aktivnostima. Iako je njihova namera bila da očuvaju svoj etnički identitet, neizbežna asimilacija srpskom stanovništvu je sve veća bila od kako je jevrejska omladina ušla u srpski obrazovni sistem i time postepeno doprinosila da se njihov jezik postepeno gubi i održava, isključivo, unutar porodica. Međutim, mnogi ratovi, počevši od srpsko-bugarskog rata, preko Balkanskih ratova, Prvog svetskog rata sve do Drugog svetskog rata uticali su nepovoljno na Sefarde, što se i na kraju odrazilo na njihov, takoreći, nestanak nakon Holokausta, kada je veći broj Jevreja stradao u ovom stravičnom događaju. Naime, u to vreme, Kraljevina Jugoslavija je imala oko 70.000 Jevreja, od kojih je bilo oko 60% Aškenaza i 40% Sefarda. Većina njih je živela u gradovima i činila je oko 0,5% stanovništva. Međutim, antisemitizam nikada nije bio tolike jačine, kao u tom periodu, kada su unutrašnja situacija i položaj Jugoslavije u međunarodnoj zajednici snažno i nepovoljno uticali i na položaj i živote španskih Jevreja u Nišu i Pirotu. Stoga je uravnoteženu i stabilnu atmosferu među jevrejskim i srpskim stanovništvom u pomenutim gradovima zaustavio Drugi svetski rat, nemilosrdni događaj koji je prekinuo živote mnogih Jevreja u tadašnjoj Jugoslaviji. Početkom rata, krenule se različite vrste zabrana i maltretiranja što je na kraju rezultiralo i hapšenjem većina Sefarda kako u Nišu 1941. godine, tako i u Pirotu 1943. godine. Uhapšeni i odvedeni u logor Crveni krst, Sefardi iz Niša su do 1942. godine bili zatvoreni ali je nakon proboja pomenutog logora, jedna grupa Jevreja poginula, druga pobegla, dok je treća grupa odvedena u logor „Sajmište“ gde su stradali. Sličnu sudbinu su doživeli i sefardski Jevreji iz Pirota koji su smešteni u logor u Sokolani, gde su doživljavali nemilosrdne torture sve do 19. marta 1943. godine kada je određeni broj zarobljenih pirotskih Jevreja odvedeno vozom u Poljsku, logor smrti – Treblinku gde su svi nastradali.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: When the Sephardic population was expelled from Spain in 1492 and Portugal in 1496, the life course and destiny of this people completely changed and adapted to new environments. Seeking refuge in other countries, the Sephardim turned to the Balkan countries and began to settle many Serbian cities, among which were Nis and Pirot. In the mentioned cities, the Spanish Jews formed Jewish communities and despite the hardships of life, between the two world wars, they always invested in the education of their youth and enabled the members of the community to realize themselves in cultural and sports activities. Although their intention was to preserve their ethnic identity, the inevitable assimilation to the Serbian population was increasing since the Jewish youth entered the Serbian education system and thereby gradually contributed to the gradual loss of their language and its maintenance, exclusively, within families. However, many wars, starting with the Serbo-Bulgarian war, through the Balkan wars, the First World War and the Second World War, had an unfavorable effect on the Sephardim, which ultimately reflected in their disappearance, as it were, after the Holocaust, when a larger number of Jews died in this terrible event. Namely, at that time, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia had about 70,000 Jews, of whom about 60% were Ashkenazi and 40% Sephardim. Most of them lived in cities and made up about 0.5% of the population. However, anti-semitism was never as strong as in that period, when the internal situation and position of Yugoslavia in the international community strongly and adversely aff ected the position and lives of Spanish Jews in Nis and Pirot. Therefore, the balanced and stable atmosphere between the Jewish and Serbian population in the mentioned cities was stopped by the Second World War, a merciless event that ended the lives of many Jews in Yugoslavia at the time. At the beginning of the war, different types of bans and harassment were started, which ultimately resulted in the arrest of most Sephardim both in Niš in 1941 and in Pirot in 1943. Arrested and taken to the camp of Crveni krst, the Sephardim from Nis were imprisoned until 1942, but aft er the breach of the aforementioned camp, one group of Jews died, another escaped, while the third group was taken to the “Sajmište” camp, where they perished. A similar fate was experienced by the Sephardic Jews from Pirot who were placed in the camp in Sokolana, where they experienced merciless torture until March 19, 1943, when a certain number of captured Jews from Pirot were taken by train to Poland, the death camp - Treblinka, where they all perished.






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Keywords: Spanish Jews, suffering, camps, Yugoslavia, Nis, Pirot.

Ključne reči: Španski Jevreji, stradanje, logori, Jugoslavija, Niš, Pirot.

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