Naslov (eng)

The use of starter cultures in the meat industry and their effect on the quality of meatproducts – A review


Đukić, Dragutin
Stojanova, Monika
Vesković-Moračanin, Slavica
Todor-Stojanova, Marina
Şatana, Aziz



Opis (eng)

The use of certain types of microorganisms or their metabolic products is the basis for the development of new technologies, which on the one hand can contribute to the standardization of the production process and achieve uniform quality, and on the other hand to obtain quality and safe products with extended shelf life. On the world market for food and beverages, today can be find a wide range of commercial, fermented products in which production and sustainability certain microorganisms are participate. The interest in the new methods of biological protection of food, as well as the scientific principles for achieving health of the products has increased significantly in recent years. The increase in the need for quality and health-safe food has led to an increased interest in the use of starter cultures in the food industry, and especially in the meat industry. With the use of the starter cultures, good quality of the products is achieved. At the same time a safe product is obtained, where the use of the synthetic additives and theirs side effects on consumer’s health is completely eliminated.






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Starter cultures; Meat industry; Food safety; Metabolic products

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o:32 Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa