Naslov (eng)

Application of combined (hybrid) materials in geomembranes

Naslov (srp)

Primena kombinovanih (hibridnih) materijala u geomembranama


Jovanović, Milenko
Kržanović, Daniel
Rajković, Radmilo
Mikić, Miomir
Požega, Emina

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Otpad je veliki — globalni problem, jer se godinama sve više akumulira, pa ga je potrebno negde trajno skladištiti. Međutim, treba ga odlagati na propisan način — nije isto gde i kako odlažemo otpad. Tu najvažniju ulogu u poslednje vreme igraju razne varijacije geosintetike. Geosintetika igra veliku ulogu u zaštiti zemljišta bilo da se radi o deponiji ill nekom drugom površinskom zagađenju. Geosintetika se razvija u poslednje četiri decenije i svi proizvodi u ovoj oblasti se još uvek mogu smatrati relativno novim, što svakako ne znači do se nisu dokazali no mnogim zahtevnim projektima (primenama) u raznim prilikama i zahtevima, posebno u rudarstvu i konstrukcija.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Waste is a huge - global problem, as it accumulates more and more over the years, so it needs to be stored somewhere permanently. However, it should be disposed of in the prescribed manner - it's not the same where and how we dispose of waste. Various variations of geosynthetics have been playing this most important role lately. Geosynthetics play a major role in soil protection whether it is a landfill or some other surface pollution. Geosynthetics has been developing in the last four decades and all products in this field can still be considered relatively new, which certainly does not mean that they have not proven themselves on many demanding projects (applications) in various occasions and requirements, especially in mining and construction.






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Keywords: geosynthetic, geogrids. Hybridgeomaterials, landfill.

Ključne reči: geosintetika, geomreže. hibridni materijali, deponija.

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:179 Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor