Naslov (eng)

Structure and properties of carbon nanotubes: a review


Petrović, Ana
Marković, Radmila
Požega, Emina

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Nanotechnology is considered as a key technology of the twenty-first century. The term nanomaterials describes a class of materials with a particle size of 1 to 100 nm. In addition to their size, another specificity of nanomaterials is the large ratio of surface area and volume. Differences in solubility and dispersion in solutions of carbon nanotube depend on their structural characteristics. These are extremely light materials and very strong. They are characterized by the pronounced electrical and thermal properties. Due to their unique physico-chemical properties, such as the high catalytic activity, high physical, chemical and thermal stability, large specific surface area and significant chemical reactivity, they began to be used for the wastewater treatment.






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Keywords: carbon nanotubes, properties, structure.

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