Naslov (eng)

Sample characterization by the Hall Effect and Van der Pauw method

Naslov (srp)

Karakterizacija uzorka Holovim efektom i Vander Pauovom metodom


Požega, Emina
Mikić, Miomir
Janošević, Miloš
Miletić, Slavica
Mitrović, Milijana
Simonović, Danijela
Vuković, Nikola

Opis (srp)

Izvod: U radu je izvršeno posmatranje električnih karakteristika uzorka primenom sistema za merenje Holovog efekta (Hall Effect Measurement System), oznake HMS-3000, firme Ecopia. Nakon izvršenog merenja uz pomoć sistema za merenje Holovog efekta na ispitivanom uzorku podaci su automatski izračunati. Podaci koje smo dobili nakon merenja su: površinska koncentracija nosilaca, pokretljivost, specifična otpornost, provodljivost, Holov koeficijent, magnetna otpornost (pojava promene otpornosti kada se uzorak izloži magnetnom polju), alpha (horizontalni/vertikalni odnos otpornosti) itd. Pozitivne vrednosti Holovog koeficijenta ukazuju da je ispitivani materijal p-tipa. Sprovedeno istraživanje uzorka Bi2Te2.8Se0.2 je obogatilo skup podataka relevantnih za dalja istraživanja.

Opis (eng)

Abstract : The electrical characteristics of the sample were observed using the Hall Effect Measurement System, marked HMS-3000, by Ecopia. After the measurement was performed with the help of the Hall effect system for measuring on the tested sample, the data were automatically calculated. The data obtained after the measurements are: surface concentration of carriers, mobility, specific resistance, conductivity, Hall coefficient, magnetic resistance (occurrence of resistance change when the sample is exposed to magnetic field), alpha (horizontal / vertical resistance ratio), etc. Positive values of the Hall coefficient indicate that the tested material is p-type. The conducted research of the Bi2Te2.8Sea2sample enriched the set of data relevant for further research.






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Ključne reči: energetska efikasnost, Holova merenja, Van der Pauova metoda, termoelektrični materijali, monokristal bizmut telurida.

Key words: energy efficiency, Hall measurements, Van der Pauw method, thermoelectric materials, bismuth telluride single crystal.

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