Naslov (eng)

Chemotaxonomic significance of terpene composition in natural populations of Pinus nigra Arnold from Serbia.


Šarac, Zorica
Bojović, Srđan
Nikolić, Biljana M.
Tešević, Vele
Đorđević, Iris
Marin, Petar D.


Wiley-V C H Verlag Gmbh, Weinheim

Opis (eng)

"The essential-oil variability in seven native populations belonging to different infraspecific taxa of Pinus nigra (ssp. nigra, var. gocensis, ssp. pallasiana, and var. banatica) growing wild in Serbia was analyzed. In the needles of 195 trees from seven populations, 58 essential-oil components were identified. The major components were a-pinene (43.6%) and germacrene D (29.8%), comprising together 73.4% of the total oil composition. Based on the average chemical profile of the main terpene components (with contents >5%), the studied populations were found to be the most similar to populations from central Italy and Greece (ssp. nigra). Cluster analysis showed the division of the populations into three principal groups: the first group consisted of Populations I, II, III, IV, and V (considered as ssp. nigra group), the second of Population VI (ssp. pallasiana group), and the third of Population VII, which had the most distinct oil composition (ssp. banatica group). The taxonomic implications of the essential-oil profiles ofthe investigated taxa of this very complex species are discussed. "






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o:1347 Radovi Instituta za šumarstvo