Naslov (srp)

Soybean area, yield and production in world


Terzić, Dragan
Popović, Vera
Tatić, Mladen
Vasileva, Viliana
Đekić, Vera
Ugrenović, Vladan
Popović, Slobodan
Avdić, Pašaga

Opis (eng)

Abstract The average area under soybean in the world was 121.53 million ha, yield was 2.76 t ha-1 and production 334.89 million t. The largest areas in the world were in the Americas, followed by Asia, Europe and Africa. The Americas is the top soybean producing continent and which provides 87.1% of global soybean production. The average area under soybean in Europe was 5.038 mil.ha, the average yield 2.08 t ha-1 and soybean production was 10,488,759 t. The highest yields of soybeans in Europe had: Serbia (3.16 t ha-1), Croatia (3.11 t ha-1), Austria (3.06 t ha-1), Slovenia (2.99 t ha-1), Germany (2.73 t ha-1), Switzerland (2.54 t ha-1), France (2.48t ha-1), etc. Serbia’s average soybean production in 2016 was 576,446 tons and the yields were higher than the World yield by 0.4 t. Serbia has excellent conditions for soybeans production.






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soybean, production, area, World, Europe, Serbia

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