Naslov (eng)

Carbon stocks, sequestration rate and efficiency over 50 years 2 of increasing mineral N fertilization


Saljnikov, Elmira
Koković, Nikola
Grujić, Tara
Životić, Ljubomir
Tošić, Jojević Sonja
Lazović, Vojislav
Jačimović, Goran

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Microbially mediated soil organic matter is an extremely sensitive pool that indicates sub-12 tle changes in the quality parameters. Calculation of different carbon pools (organic carbon – OC, 13 labile carbon – PMC, light carbon – LFC and microbial carbon – MBC), their sequestration rate (Csr) 14 and efficiency (Cse) as affected by 50 yrs. of mineral fertilization was done. C sequestration rate 15 between the fertilized plots were not significantly different except for the control plot. The sensitiv-16 ity index, which indicates the response of soil organic matter to changes in different carbon fractions, 17 demonstrated a strong correlation with the amount of light-fraction organic matter (OM). Use of 18 mineral N over 50 years resulted in increase of soil labile C, but not resulted in greater C sequestra-19 tion efficiency. The results give a deeper insight into the behavior of carbon pools and can serve as 20 a reliable basis for further researches focused on neutral carbon emissions and effective C seques-21 tration.






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