Naslov (eng)

Financing of national parks in Serbia in period 2008-2020


Đorđević, Ilija
Češljar, Goran
Čule, Nevena
Rakonjac, Ljubinko
Bračanac-Bosanac, Ljiljana
Šumarac, Predrag


University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Slovenian Forestry Institute

Opis (eng)

Management of protected areas includes interaction of different components, strategic, legislative and institutional frameworks, towards structural characteristics and financing mechanisms. The importance of protected areas is very significant since they include different forest ecosystems and is intended for protection of biological, geological and cultural features. One of the important components of protected areas management is sustainable financing, which is defined as the ability to provide sufficient, stable and long-term financial resources. Protected areas cover around 6.5 % of territory of Serbia while national parks (NP) involve around 31.0 % of this land. This research analyses different financing mechanisms/revenue structures (EUR/ha) in managing four NP as well as approaches in the financing in the region and abroad. In order to determine the structure of revenues in the financing, statistical technique based on analysis of time series for 13 years is used while non-reactive method is used for data collection. The results show that NP “Tara” has the highest average incomes (171.9 EUR/ha), while NP “Đerdap” lowest average incomes (31.0 EUR/ha). Looking at the revenues structure, business revenues are highest for all four NP, NP “Tara” (147.8 EUR/ha) and NP “Đerdap (17.1 EUR/ha). On the other hand, revenues from other business revenues, I.e., fees, are highest within NP “Kopaonik” (24.0 EUR/ha) and lowest for NP “Đerdap” (10.6 EUR/ha). By analyzing annual exponential growth rate, results of this research show that the highest level of exponential growth rate are present within revenues from fees for all NP and that NP “Kopaonik” has the highest indicator (11.2 %), opposite to NP “Đerdap” (5.3 %). Based on these results, we can conclude that in all NP in Serbia revenues from business activities mostly are present in their management, but growth rate for fee revenues is highest and has the potential to increase more. This is somehow in correlation with the financing of protected areas in Europe and especially NP, since their financing management should mostly rely on fees and project activities/donations. Recommendations for improvement include development of a better system for increasing fee revenues and project activities/donations both from domestic and international side.






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protected areas, national parks, financing mechanisms, Serbia

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:1347 Radovi Instituta za šumarstvo